Back to school time is upon us, and with the change of routines comes a change (or rather addition) of new products!
Sometimes we search for inspiration and struggle to find it. It is during these times I remind myself that it's ok to go back to the basics. Most recently, the foundation of Christianity, the key to our salvation, the ever familiar John 3:16 verse became my product design inspiration, and I'm so excited to share them with you!
In these designs you will see the words "so loved" scattered around along with maps and globes in reference to "For God so loved the world". These designs have a fun back to school vibe with the maps and globes, but I just love how they came together for any occasion.

As with most of my products, the design starts as a fabric collection - view it here!
And then a mug...(ok fine, I like mugs!)
And finally, you guessed it....T-shirts!
I'm so excited to be getting back to the basics with these Christian products!