Here at The Little Rose Shop, we love celebrating the liturgical seasons, especially the Easter season!
It is a season of joy, new life, mercy, and celebration. One of the biggest feast days in the Easter season, aside from the Triduum itself, is the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday.
What is it, you might ask? Divine mercy Sunday is the celebration of the mercy and love Jesus Christ gave us through the Paschal mystery: his life, death and resurrection. JPII stated “Divine Mercy reaches human beings through the heart of Christ crucified. It is always celebrated on the second Sunday after Easter.
Saint Faustina, a Polish nun, received visions from Jesus. Her most memorable one was a vision of Jesus with rays of red and white coming from His heart. Noted in her diary, Jesus said, “I want the Image to be venerated publicly so every soul may know about it.”
According to the vision, those who receive communion and attend confession on the feast receive a total forgiveness of sins.
Here is what we are doing to celebrate.
1. Praying the Divine Mercy novena beginning on Good Friday. Pray along with us here.
2. Decorating with our “Jesus, I trust in You” banners found here for free!
3. Making sundaes topped with blue and red fruit, a la, Kendra Tierney’s Catholic All Year: A guide to liturgical living
St, Faustina, pray for us!