I've recently developed a devotion to St Zelie & St Louis Martin after reading this book:
Their lives are so beautiful, holy, and they are the perfect example for married couples, and I, in particular loved finding a working-mom saint! Not only a working mom, but a woman who held a profession in the creative realm-so you can see why I would love her. Not to mention, she's the mother of St Therese of Lisieux who is my own personal patron and The Little Rose Shop's patron. It's amazing how different saints walk into our lives at the exact right moment to encourage us. As a creative entrepreneur, I need Louis and Zelie right now.Β
After reading more about their lives, I felt inspired to create a fabric collection: "Zelie & Louis"
The collection's colors are pulled directly from photographs of the two. This might be my new favorite way of creating a color palette.Β