Mother: caring, loving, warm, gentle, protector, hand holder, book reader, mac and cheese cooker, boo boo kisser. The list of feelings, emotions and names associated with this simple yet deep title continues. Here at The Little Rose Shop, we take a moment to appreciate and love all the mothers in our lives, and to say thank you.
First, we are a team of mothers. This shop started by the need to bring my daughter faith-filled dolls that she could learn from about the holy lives of the saints. We are now blessed to employ women and mothers working with our mission to bring faith into everyday life and provide for their families while maintaining one of their most important titles, “mother”.
Motherhood comes in many forms, not just the biological. There are adopted mothers, spiritual mothers, God mothers, saintly mothers and of course the most beautiful and wonderful example of mothers, Our Blessed Mother.
Some of our favorite Saints are mothers: St. Zelie Martin (Therese of Lesieux’s mother), St. Anne (Blessed Mother Mary’s mother), St. Monica (St. Augustine’s mother), St. Elizabeth (St. John the Baptist’s mother), Mother Teresa (Spiritual mother to the poor), and so many more! What a gift we have as Catholic mothers to look to the mothers in Heaven for their intercession.
Here are a few simple ways to say “thanks” to the mothers in your life.
Pray a Rosary in thanksgiving to our Blessed Mother. Join along with The Little Rose Shop here.
Fill mom’s cup with our gorgeous Glorious Mother Mug to start her day right.