Here at The Little Rose Shop we love liturgical living!
One of the many ways we can show our beautiful Catholic faith is to celebrate Christmas during the liturgical Christmas season. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” not only is a catchy tune, it was written as a reminder to Catholic Christians of the gifts “our True Love”, Christ, has given to us. The twelve days also mark the time of the birth of Christ on Christmas to the arrival of the Wise Men at the Epiphany.
While radio stations end their festive tunes, we keep on playing ours! Here are a few more things to celebrate to keep Christmas going through the Christmas season.
Pull out those Christmas movies. With the help of modern streaming services, those oldies and goodies are accessible when we want to watch and enjoy a family Christmas classic.
Celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family on December 30th. Go to Mass that day, plan a family activity or outing, or adopt a family in need. Check out our Holy Family coloring page here.
Celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God, January 1st. Usually this is a holy day of obligation but falls on a Sunday this year. This is the perfect day for a family Rosary or to visit a Marian shrine or even spend a few minutes after Mass in front of a statue of Mary, thanking her for her motherhood. Check out our freebie vault for some gorgeous coloring pages honoring our mother.
Celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on January 8th. Traditionally celebrated on January 6th, but moved to the Sunday between January 2nd and January 8th. This feast marks the 12 days of time between the birth of Christ and the arrival of the Wise Men. Celebrate by marking your doors with blessed chalk with the first part of the year and C+M+B and the last part of the year (20 C+M+B 23) standing for the initials of the three kings, or the Latin phrase “Christus mansionem benedicat,” or, “Christ, bless this house.”
Don our DIY apron and whip up a King cake, and whoever finds the Child Jesus or large nut, is king or queen for a day.