My God, I offer You this Rosary for Your glory, so I can honor your Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin, so I can share and meditate upon her suffering. I humbly beg you to give me true repentance for all my sins. Give me wisdom and humility, so that I may receive all the indulgences contained in this prayer.
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend You, my God, You Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
Now, pray 3 Hail Mary's.
Most Merciful Mother, remind us always about the Sorrows of your Son, Jesus.
3. For each set of 7: Pray 1 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary's, and Most Merciful Mother Prayer.
4. Closing Prayer: Queen of Martyrs, your heart suffered so much. I beg you, by the merits of the tears you shed in these terrible and sorrowful times, to obtain for me and all the sinners of the world the grace of complete sincerity and repentance. Amen.
Mary, who was conceived without sin and who suffered for us, pray for us. (Pray 3x)
In the name of The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen.