Mama T is by far one of my favorite Saints - maybe it's because she's a modern Saint which makes her seem more relatable and real. Not that the other Saints aren't those things - but when they're so far removed from our time of living, I sometimes have to work harder to relate. But Mother Teresa was with us so recently, and her words have been pure wisdom to me!
Try to pick one of these simple ways to celebrate her today! St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!
You can start by simply wearing something blue, or even better - blue stripes!
Mother Teresa said "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." Reach out to someone who might be lonely with a text, phone call, or letter.
Mother Teresa also said, "Do small things with great love." Find a small chore you normally hate - and intentionally do it with the mindset of love and compassion.
St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!