We are deep into Lent and we may be holding ourselves up to some serious measuring. The questions of: have I done enough? Prayed enough? Fasted enough? Been Patient enough?

If you are taking the time to stop and read this article and you want to have a great Lent, ask the Lord! He is good. He is rich in mercy and kindness. And, He knows you!
Most importantly He has given you tools for your toolbox to grow closer to Him, each and every day, but especially during the season of Lent.
Here they are:
- Frequent the Sacraments. Make a good confession. You are His beloved daughter and He wants to shower you in mercy and love. Go to Mass. He is there in the Eucharist. Just ask Him for the faith to see.
Pray. Spend time in sacred scripture filling your heart and your head with “Your words are spirit and life, O Lord.” “His love endures forever.” “Behold, I make all things new”. Write them on the mirror, on the fridge or in a journal.
- Community seek out faith filled women who can hold you accountable to your Lenten practices and check in together.
- Trust No matter how you think you are doing, the Lord knows you, sees you, and loves you.
From our team at The Little Rose Shop, we pray you have a blessed Lenten season and we look forward to rejoicing with you at the Resurrection!