What We Can Learn from Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
On March 7th, we celebrate two beautiful saints, Perpetua and her servant Felicity. Despite family and political pressure to denounce her faith, Perpetua remained true until her end. At the...
On March 7th, we celebrate two beautiful saints, Perpetua and her servant Felicity. Despite family and political pressure to denounce her faith, Perpetua remained true until her end. At the...
One of the pieces of best advice I have heard from a friend was one they received during marriage prep. The priest encouraged she and her now husband to decorate with...
Twin sister to St. Benedict, St. Scholastica is regarded as the Mother of Monasticism. St. Gregory the Great wrote in a biography of St. Benedict, that she was “dedicated from...
Here at The Little Rose Shop, we love to celebrate the saints and incorporate the lives of the saints into our own lives to educate our children, celebrate the lives...
Your Lenten Toolbox: Essential Practices for a Fruitful Lent “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” — Joel 2:12 Reflecting on Your Lenten...
Lent. The four letter word and season that rolls around every year just after we Catholics have celebrated the start to the new liturgical year and the birth of Christ....
The heartbeat of The Little Rose shop originated from my own story with the surprise pregnancy of my daughter at the age of 21. My journey has had twists and...
St. John Bosco today is an inspiration for those in education and for young people. His beautiful story of serving the young and the poor are a beautiful reminder of...
With a house full of little boys and one equally brave and adventurous girl, my family loves and celebrates St. Sebastian. His feast day on January 20th was one of...
Beatified by Pope John XXII, St, Elizabeth Ann Seton is the first native born American to be canonized by the Church. She was born in New York, during the time...
First off, a little theology is needed to explain what this feast day is. Mary is the Mother of God, as she is the mother of Jesus, the Son of...
Joy is a funny word. Oftentimes it gets lumped into the same category with its definition being the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect...
Here at The Little Rose Shop, IYKYK we just love Mama Mary! Especially Our Lady of Guadalupe. Check out our blog here to get the full story In a...
The Immaculate Conception: What It Is & How Catholic Families Can Celebrate “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” — Luke 1:28 What Is the Immaculate Conception? The...
One sweet and simple way to incorporate the season of Advent by a small act of prayer and raising your heart to God is through the St. Andrew novena prayer....
Chilly and holiday-filled November is the perfect opportunity to bring gratitude to our hearts and to our children. Sometimes, especially with littles, the influx of germs and sickness, or holiday...