How to Celebrate: St. John Vianney
St. John Vianney is the patron saint of priests. He grew up in the terror of the French Revolution, a time when priests were either executed or forced into hiding....
St. John Vianney is the patron saint of priests. He grew up in the terror of the French Revolution, a time when priests were either executed or forced into hiding....
I want to share a spiritual practice that has transformed my life in countless ways. But first, let's dive into some quotes about motherhood that really hit home. Quotes on...
July 26th is the feast day of Sts. Joachim and Anne. While not mentioned in the Bible, Catholic tradition believes that Saints Joachim and Anne were the mother and father...
Mary Magdalene oftentimes is called the Apostle to the Apostles because she found the empty tomb on Easter morning and ran to tell the other disciples. Jesus encountered her after...
Corpus Christi is the celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Chritt. This feast day was created because many times, unintentionally, the beauty of the institution...
Ahhhh summer. Long days, longer evenings, school is out, schedules relax, kids play in the dirt and ….school is out?! This sudden change of pace for families of school age...
June is a powerhouse of liturgical feast days and celebrations. One, really two, feast days we can’t miss celebrating are the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 16)...
We recognize that as women, we are united more than we are different, and we are all called to motherhood in some form. Whether you hold a baby in your...
Mother: caring, loving, warm, gentle, protector, hand holder, book reader, mac and cheese cooker, boo boo kisser. The list of feelings, emotions and names associated with this simple yet deep title...
Ahhhhh, Spring! What a gift after long, cold, snowy months. April and May are just the time to start gardening as green foliage, baby birds, and wildflowers begin to appear....
Trigger warning: mental health, incest Our beautiful Catholic faith gives us the gifts of the saints. Regular, everyday people like you and I who profess the faith, turn their hearts...
Spring time means new flowers, birds singing, celebrating the 50 days of Easter, and sacrament season! Looking for the perfect Catholic baby gift for baptism? First Communion? Or Confirmation? We...
Here at The Little Rose Shop, we love celebrating the liturgical seasons, especially the Easter season! It is a season of joy, new life, mercy, and celebration. One of the...
The pinnacle of the liturgical year is the celebration of the Triduum- Holy Thursday, Good Friday through the night of Easter Sunday. While chronologically three days, liturgically it is just...
Here at The Little Rose Shop, liturgical living is part of our everyday lives. If you are new to living liturgically, Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday, is a beautiful...
Don't forget about adults when you're looking for Catholic Easter basket ideas! Often times we get wrapped up in the Easter celebration for our children, making sure they understand all...